Resources & References

No one of us is an island onto ourselves.  We are all the accumulation and integration of all that surrounds us.  Our minds are like a piece of meat resting in a pot of marinade soaking in whatever material and ideas get put in that pot.  When we are young, we are at the mercy of others to make sure that healthy things get put in that pot.  As we grow, we develop more control over what is being put in that pot…HOPEFULLY!

Truthful ideas don’t mind being challenged.  In fact, they welcome challenge because their challenge is what allows those ideas to be shaped, modified, and strengthened.

This is a list of Resources and References that we have accumulated over a short lifetime of awareness that has begun to just take a small peek into the web of influence and sway that certain people have attempted to have over other people.  The order in which these appear is intentional and believed to have a certain degree of priority.  However, as mentioned above, challenges to this priority and/or material are WELCOMED. Humans are imperfect creatures constantly seeking out the perfection that truth is. TOGETHER we may stay closer to moving toward that goal.

Your input is WELCOME!  See our blog


  1. Inalienable Rights:
  1. “Creature from Jekyll Island” by G. Edward Griffin (book on the creation of the Federal Reserve bank and a look at history through the lens of financiers)
  2.  (this is a 25 minute video about money/currency which is VERY important to what is going on)
  1. “1984” by George Orwell
  2. “Manufacturing Consent” by Noam Chomsky (a book and documentary film on how the media is used to brainwash populations)
  3. “The Secret Knowledge of the Dismantling of American Culture” by David Mamet
  4. Mike Rowe (Dirty Jobs)
  5. Agenda 2021/2030 stuff: there is a LOT to research here and all of it indicates a coordinated effort.
  6. Jordan Peterson:
  7. (an important movie that looks at the Feminism movement and what the media world has done to discredit an alternative thought movement.)
  8. Libertarian Nation by James Walsh
  10. Live not by Lies” Rod Dreher (book on similarities of what is happening now to what happened during Bolshevik/Russian/Communist Revolution)
  1. “Rules for Radicals” by Saul Alinsky (book on ideas for understanding protests (tools for the “have-nots”) to battle the “haves” and their multitude of tools (namely currency and media))
  2.  (Network:  1976 movie by Peter Finch)
  3.    (this woman is one of the most grounded, sane people I have ever listened to.)
  4.  (being a psychologically “healthy” person is fundamental to understanding any of the material on this page (or any other!)) 
  5. “Endgame:  The Problem of Civilization” by Derrick Jensen (this is a HEAVY DUTY book that I only recommend reading in small chunks and only IF you can keep a really open mind about the overlap between “left” thinking and “right” thinking)
  1. Jurisdictions of Law: and
  2. (Ricky Gervais at Golden Globes 2020)
  3. Nick Fuentes
  4. (Understanding Legal Sovereignty)
  5. Peter Schiff. 
  6. Class warfare:  (Noam Chomsky)
  7. “The Closing of the American Mind” by Allan Bloom